Shorinjiryu Inspiration

 Statue of founder of Judo, Jigoro Kano, at the Kodokan in Tokyo, Japan.

NOTE: Similar to this, a few years ago the Shorinjiryu Kenkokan Karate headquarters in Tokyo, Japan was asking for donations on their website to have a statue of the founder of Shorinjiryu Kenkokan Karate, Kaiso Kori Hisataka, created. I wonder whatever happened to that?

 Kids Class Tip: End on a Fun Note

This is a simple little technique that makes all the difference for kids in class: “End on a fun note”.

As a rule, I expect kids to behave a little older than they actually are – I expect them to grow into that place I have set for them, however, there is some work involved.

However, the last thing that I do in class is have a fun exercise as the last section of the class. That way they leave the class on a fun note. And as we all know, kids have a short memory and what they do remember is the last thing that hit them – so hit ’em with the fun.